Questions & Answers for Ama Computer & Learning Centre Hk Ltd - Hong Kong

Here you will find questions & answers for Ama Computer & Learning Centre Hk Ltd. All questions are checked and confirmed by our administrator. Questions are answered by the company representative or Yelo Hong Kong users.
Hello i just want to ask what was the available courses you offer & how much will be the tuition fee?
Helo i just want to ask do u have saturday class?how much the tuituon fee?
Good day!
Can you send me an email please about the schedule for the class? Do you have a wednesday class?
Thank you.
I just to ask if you have sunday class??and if possible to continue my 2yrs course to 4yrs??and how much is the tuition fee,,and how long did I take the course to finish??thank u,, Godbless
..helo i just want to ask do u have saturday class?how much the tuituon fee?
Hi do you have online or home study program?what are the courses you offered and how much is your tuition fee?thank you I am an ofw

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